
206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) officers rescued 206 Central American migrants trapped in a sealed semi-tractor trailer. The Guatemalan and Honduran migrants, including women and children, told authorities cartel smugglers drugged them to inhibit the urge to use a bathroom during the trip. The migrants were encountered in the Mexican state of Veracruz on Saturday evening.

National Institute of Migration officers find 206 migrants, including small children, drugged and locked in tractor trailer in Veracruz, Mexico. (National Institute of Migration/Government of Mexico)

Interpol Now Hunting for Fugitive Mexican Governor

A former Mexican governor who went into hiding after allegedly embezzling a large portion of his state’s budget has now been added to a list of wanted fugitives by the international police agency known as Interpol. The former politician is believed to have been responsible for giving child cancer patients distilled water instead of chemotherapy.

Javier Duarte

Mexican State Gave Child Cancer Patients Water Instead of Chemo

The government gave hundreds of cancer victims distilled water instead of chemotherapy treatments in the latest scandal to rock the State of Veracruz. Hundreds of victims, including at least 32 children, died under the care of state-run facilities where the fake medicine was administered.
