Alzheimer’s disease

Whistleblower Neuroscientist Exposes Two Decades of Alzheimer’s Research as Fraud

Neuroscientist Matthew Schrag of Vanderbilt University set the world of Alzheimer’s research on fire by launching an investigation that discredited one of the key studies of the disease – a 2006 study upon which a great deal of subsequent research was based. On Thursday, Science magazine blew the scandal into orbit by concluding that some of the visual evidence included in the 2006 study was deliberately doctored, an overture to what could be one of the worst cases of scientific fraud in history.

In this file photo, a woman, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, holds the hand of a relative on March 18, 2011 in a retirement house in Angervilliers, eastern France. (Sebastien Bozon/AFP via Getty Images)

10 Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Will Ferrell Apparently Finds Funny

Funnyman Will Ferrell is attached to star in and produce the upcoming comedy film “Reagan,” a fictional tale which satirizes the late President Ronald Reagan’s tragic battle with Alzheimer’s disease. In the wake of the film’s announcement, we’ve compiled a list of ten symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease that Will Ferrell must find “hilarious.”

Will Ferrell

10 Diseases Other Than Alzheimer’s Ripe for Will Ferrell Comedy

In the wake of Will Ferrell’s decision to spoof Ronald Reagan’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease, we’ve compiled list of other tragic illnesses which the comedian might consider for follow-ups. No doubt, Mr. Ferrell, with his sophisticated insights, will be able to mine the humor in all of these.

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